Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Injury Bug Strikes!

It was definitely too much to ask for smooth sailing between now and IM Cozumel right?  That would make things waaaay too easy!

Analise has been nagging me about a lack of recent posts on this blog (what else are wife's for?).  Fact is, I've been delaying my next post, which was supposed to be a pre-race outline for Bridgeland.  However, I've been fighting foot pain since Monday morning and it's been questionable whether I even toe the line!

Bridgeland is one of my favorite races, as you'll see if I post my pre-race overview.  But if you can't run, you can't race!  I ran 12 miles on Saturday, feeling good and pain free.  I rode 75 on Sunday, feeling great and definitely no pain.  Throughout Sunday, I felt pretty good, albeit a bit tired. 

Monday morning, while at work, I started to develop a relatively sharp pain in my left foot.  No pain while stationary, but very painful when I put full weight on the foot while walking.  The rest of this week I've taken it very easy, but the pain has persisted.  I can swim and ride, but walking without a shoe has been very difficult at best.  I see the doctor on Tuesday, but I'm worried about a stress fracture.  We'll see. At the very worst I'll become an aqua-bike champ over the next 4-6 weeks and then worry about the run. 

Anyway, I rode tonight and it felt soooo good to get moving again.  I want to race and if I think I can do it without injuring myself further, you better believe I'm going to toe the line.  I won't risk further injury, but it'll have to be pretty bad for me not to race. 

My Bridgeland pre-race info should follow soon.  At the very least, Analise is racing, so that'll be fun! It might be fun to be a spectator with TJ for once....

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